Money Transfer Locations in Peshkopi, Diber

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Lagjia Qender, Rruga Maqellare, Maqellare, Peshkopi, Diber, 8302
Phone: +355-4-2234979

Lagjia Gjok Doci, Blv. Abdyl F, Pallati 3-katesh, Kati I Pare, Peshkopi, Diber, 8301
Phone: +355-4-2234979

Lagjia Gjok Doci Bulevardi Eles Isufi, Bll Ndertesave Para Turizmit Peshkopi, Peshkopi, Diber, 8301
Phone: +355-4-2234979

Blvd Elez Isufi, , Peshkopi, Diber, 8301
Phone: +355-4-2234979