Minerva College of Education, Vill Changrara, PO Bhapoo, Teh. Indora, Distt Kangra (Id: C-11500)
Minerva College of Education, Vill. Changrara, P.O. Bhapoo, Teh. Indora, Distt. Kangra (H.P) 176402, Minerva College of Education, Vill. Changrara, P.O. Bhapoo, Teh. Indora, Distt. Kangra (H.P) 176402, Indora
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh
Location : Rural
Specialised In : Education/Teacher Education
Website : www.minervacollege.edu.in
Management : Private Un-Aided
University : Himachal Pradesh University , Shimla (Id: U-0183)
University Type : State Public University
College Type : Affiliated College