Money Transfer Locations in Vientiane, Laos

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Nonhai, Meun, Vientiane, Vientiane,
Phone: +856-20-22455749

Anou Vilage, Chanthabouly, Vientiane, Vientiane,
Phone: +856-21-212666

Dontiew St Xaysavang Village, Xaythani, Vientiane, Vientiane,
Phone: +856-21-732805

1st Floor Box B35 36 Hatsady, Chanthabouly, Vientiane, Vientiane, 2700
Phone: +856-21-285341

Ban Lak 52, Phonhong, Vientiane, Vientiane,
Phone: +856-23-331017

Ban Donggok, Xaythani, Vientiane, Vientiane,
Phone: +856-21-216677

Phonmy Village, Viengkham, Vientiane, Vientiane,
Phone: +856-23-431668

Anou Village Samsenthai Road, Chanthabouly, Vientiane, Vientiane,
Phone: +856-21-241559

Moungnoi1, , Laos, Vientiane, 10005
Phone: +856-20-95588561

Phonthan Village, Xaysettha District, Vientiane, Vientiane,
Phone: +856-21-711557